Thursday, May 27, 2010

The shit on me!


This week I realized just how judgmental and hard I have been on people while I myself, of course, do exactly the same thing at different time thinking well... Don't know what I must be thinking.
Could be that I think those things are cooler on me, LOL. Silly me.
I travelled and stayed over at a friend's. Yeah, we had a whole lot of fun and we even had enough gossip time ( I must admit, almighty me too, I am guilty)
Spent so much time talking about all the girls we know and all the craziness we both heartily agree they do have. In fact turns out all the girls we know together r very crazy too. Hahaha
Well, being a very honest person, somehow, the spotlight turned on me. Oh, instantly I began to feel like a roach with a kid locked down on it
Boy, did I try to make all the crazy things that I have done in my life look so good.
But who the hell was I kidding though? I got shit on me too and it sure don't smell like roses.
Yes, I agree, some people's shit stinks way further than ours. I mean, this one girl we talked about has slept with enough guys near the hostel we both stayed in and has had her bf catch her plenty times and beat the living bulldogs out of her, sure my shit don't stink anything close to that.
But we are all human right? The fact that we didn't get caught doesn't make us clean.
Hilarious too, is the fact that we both laughed our pretty heads silly at a girl's ghastly make up while I still couldn't tell my friend she smudged her kohl liners so much she looks like some voodoo doll from a badly produced horror flick, but hey, who cares, we were in it together so I closed my eyes to the offending liner.
Today on my way back, I met this girl in the car that we took us back to Lag.
My God! Ragamuffin cum rock star cum washed up actress slash alcoholic slash Beyonce wanna-be. I had a very good secret laugh to myself especially when she started flaunting her neon pink BB
But well, could be she has a flight to catch (which kept repeating over the phone till I started wondering if it was her first time), could be she woke up from wonderland this morning.
Hell, whatever. I ll never know but am sure if it were me looking like that ( not like I would look so tacky in a million years), I would expect everyone to understand and bear with me. Right?
My point to all this???
Well, I must learn not to be so judgmental, I mean, I ain't so so clean myself  and I expect you to think too highly of me anyways. Ten if I know that, I should try and be a lil more easy on others too.
We all got shit, so wipe yours and stop staring so hard at other's or that will be all you will ever see of life.
That sure ain't the view I wanna live and leave this life with.